Day: December 31, 2014

  • Happy New Year -- 2015

    Christmas was lovely!  We always celebrate with our adult children and their spouses, my brother, my Mom, and our grandchildren.  The youngsters make it a fun time for all.


    My favorite "holiday" of the year is that time starting with Christmas and into New Year's Day.  I enjoy the Advent season with the emphasis of remembering the first coming of Jesus. Then from Christmas until New Year's Day, I do a lot of meditating, private journaling, and praying as I consider the past year &  look forward to the new year. I don't make "Resolutions" per se; but I make goals that I'd like to try to reach throughout the year.  I generally choose a theme, and Bible verse(s) that I memorize and try to use to guide me in meeting the goals of the year.

    This year my verses are from Ephesians 5:15-17, Psalm 90:12, and Hebrews 13:15-16 (I still need to memorize the Eph. verses; the others I memorized last year.)  I memorize normally from the KJV, because that is what I've used since my early childhood to memorize; I read and study in all types of versions, however. When I read through the Bible, I enjoy using a different version each time (sometimes I've read all in one year; other times I may take two or three years to read and do a deeper study). The last couple of years I was using the New Living Translation; this year I am planning to use the New Century Version.

    Here are the verses for this year, from the NCV, given in the order they were listed above.

    So be very careful how you live. Do not live like those who are not wise, but live wisely. Use every chance you have for doing good, because these are evil times. So do not be foolish but learn what the Lord wants you to do. /  Teach us how short our lives really are so that we may be wise. /  So through Jesus let us always offer to God our sacrifice of praise, coming from lips that speak his name. Do not forget to do good to others, and share with them, because such sacrifices please God.

    We are in winter .... no snow at all, but this week we are experiencing temperatures in the 20's and 30's, with bright shining sun on several of the days.  
    Here is a picture taken of us by my former student, Nicole, who was married this year. She is a professional photographer, and she came to our home to take pictures of the four of us in the first of the three pictures in the last post.  Signing off for this time ~ Carolyn  :-)   MDJ & CJ - NOV. 2014 - 1C



December 2014
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